So this article is kind of long but if you have some time check it out. It is interesting and really challenges you to think about what we do and why do it when it comes to Christmas. Im still pondering it all and want to read again. Im not trying to push this or anything, you can take it or leave it. A friend of mine on facebook shared this article and it pretty much is where I was coming from in my last post.
Charles Halff, Director
The Christian Jew Foundation
What a Christian Jew has to say about Christmas...
Up until 25 years ago, I used to celebrate Christmas as much as - or even more than - any Gentile. You might think that is strange since I was born and raised in a Jewish home. But my family always had a Christmas tree every year because it was the popular thing to do. We had ornaments, mistletoe, holly wreaths, presents and everything else that goes along with the Christmas celebration.
You see, Jewish people celebrate Christmas today, not because of Christ's birthday, but because it is popular tradition and part of our present-day culture. It's as American as apple pie and hamburgers. And I observed Christmas for nearly 22 years of my life, until God opened my eyes to see the falseness of this pagan holiday.
It's not because I'm a Jew that I don't celebrate Christmas now. That has nothing to do with it. Let me tell you the real reasons why I no longer observe this pagan holiday.
Christmas Not a Bible Doctrine
In the first place, Christmas is not a Bible Doctrine. If our blessed Lord had wanted us to celebrate His birthday, He would have told us when to celebrate it and how to celebrate it. But Christ never told anyone to celebrate His birthday. Furthermore, we know from the Bible and from church history that the apostles and the early church never celebrated Christ's birthday.
The Bible is God's complete and final revelation to man, and it tells us everything we need to know for our spiritual lives (II Timothy 3:16). We don't have to go outside the Bible for anything. God's Word tells us how we're to worship, how we're to give money for the support of the Lord's work, how to evangelize the lost, how to observe the Lord's Supper and everything else pertaining to the Christian life. But not once in the Bible does God tell us to celebrate Christmas! We're told to remember the Lord's death, but nowhere are we told to celebrate His birth.
God's people are supposed to be Bible people. We are supposed to live by the teaching of the God's holy Word. So the very fact that Christmas is never mentioned in the Bible is sufficient reason for us not to have anything to do with it. But that's not all.
Christ Not born on December 25
The second reason I don't celebrate Christmas is that Christ was not born on December 25th. Notice:
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night." Luke 2:8
Don't miss the point: the shepherds WERE IN THE FIELDS taking care of their flocks on the night Jesus was born. As the shepherds were watching their sheep, the message came to them of the birth of Jesus.
It's a well known fact that December falls in the middle of the rainy season in Palestine, and the sheep were kept in the fold at that time of the year. The shepherds always corralled their flocks from October to April. They brought their sheep from the mountainsides and the fields no later than October 15th to protect them from the cold, rainy seasons that followed that date. So the birth of Christ could not have taken place at the end of December.
Secondly, Luke 2:1, 3 tells us that at the time of the birth of Jesus it was decreed that, "all the world would be taxed...And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city." This couldn't have taken place in the winter. Caesar Augustus, the ruler of Rome, would certainly not call for such a taxing in the depth of winter. Travel at this time of the year is extremely difficult; hence, it would be virtually impossible for everyone to comply with the decree if it had been given then. The Lord Himself testified to the rigors of traveling in winter, for He told the people to pray that their flight at the end of this age would not be in winter (Matthew 24:20).
No one knows the exact day when Jesus was born, but in all the probability He was born sometime during the first part of October. We can be reasonably sure of this because His earthly ministry lasted 3 1/2 years, and He was crucified on the 14th day of the month of Nisan, which corresponds to our April (John 19:31, Leviticus 23:5). If we go back 3 1/2 years to the time when Jesus was 30 years old - when He began His public ministry - we come to the month of October. This was probably the month when our blessed Lord was born into the world.
However, let's remember that it's not the date of Jesus' birth that's important. The important thing is that He was born and that He died for our sins. We're not worshipping a helpless infant lying in a manger. We are worshipping a risen and exalted Christ who has all power in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18).
Origin of Christmas
Where do you suppose Christmas originated? Certainly not with God! Christmas started with the sun worshipers in the time of Nimrod, the man who supervised the building of the tower of Babel. And that's another reason why I don't celebrate Christmas.
Thousands of years before Jesus was born, heathens in every country observed December 25th as the birthday of a god who was called the sun-god. Semiramis, the widow of Nimrod, was his mother. She claimed to be the queen of heaven. And she had a son who was supposed to have been born on December 25th; his name was Tammuz.
According to all the heathen religions of that time, Tammuz had a miraculous birth; and for centuries his birthday was celebrated with feasts, revelry and drunken orgies. The heathen celebrated Tammuz' birthday according to the very example he set for them. He was the world's greatest lover of women, strong drink, dirty jokes and other sensual fun. It is said that he loved everybody and that everybody loved him. And it was on December 25th that all the pagan religions celebrated the birthday of Tammuz, the son-god.
This is all clearly brought out in Alexander Hislop's great book, "The Two Babylon's." Any reputable encyclopedia will also verify these facts.
It's plain to see, isn't it, that Christmas is a pagan holiday that came out of old pagan Babylon. As born-again believers, let's have nothing to do with it.
Christmas: A Catholic Holiday
The fourth reason I don't celebrate Christmas is because Christmas is a Catholic holiday. Why should I steal Christmas from the Catholics? They got it from the pagans, and I'm happy to let them keep it.
Notice what Encyclopedia Americana has to say about Christmas and Catholicism.
"Christmas – it was according to many authorities NOT celebrated in the first centuries of the Christian churches as the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of remarkable persons rather than their birth. A feast was established in memory of the birth of the Saviour in the FOURTH CENTURY. In the Fifth Century the Western Church (Roman Catholic) ordered it to be celebrated forever on the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol. The holly, mistletoe, the yule log and the wassail bowl are of pre-Christian times. The Christmas tree has been traced back to the Romans. It went from Germany to Great Britain."
Encyclopedia Britannica has this to say about Christmas:
"Christmas (i.e., the Mass of Christ) was not among the earliest festivals of the church."
After Constantine became the Emperor of Rome, he forced all the pagans of his empire to be baptized into the Christian Church. Thus pagans far outnumbered true Christians.
Since the church worshiped the Lord Jesus as the Son of God, when the 25th of December rolled around and the pagans wanted to worship Tammuz, their sun-god, Constantine knew that he would have to do something. So he had the church combine the worship of Tammuz with the birthday of Christ, and a special mass was declared to keep everyone happy. Thus pagan worship was brought into the Christian church and called "Christ-mass."
Every time we say "Merry Christmas," we're actually mixing the precious and holy name of Christ with paganism. This is not right. God says in Ezekiel 20:39, "Pollute ye my holy name no more."
The World and Christmas
That brings me to the next reason why I don't celebrate Christmas. Christmas is of the world, and we're commanded, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." I John 2:15 The very fact that the world which hates Christ and His blood atonement for sin makes more fuss about Christmas than any other holiday proves to me that Christmas is not of God. If December 25th were truly the birthday of the blessed Son of God, the world would have nothing to do with it!
You don't have to be a Christian to celebrate Christmas. Even in non-Christian countries like Japan, Czeckoslovakia, Poland and Russia the people celebrate Christmas.
People throughout the world, who for the most part have no awareness of the Bible or Jesus Christ, eat up the Christmas celebration. To take Christmas from the world would be harder than taking candy from a child.
Let's face it, the world is married to the idol of Christmas. In fact, more people get drunk at Christmas than any other time of the year. There are more big parties and more selfish spending than any other season. Doesn't that prove that it's not of God?
The world loves Christmas, but it hates Christ.
Unscriptural Traditions
Another reason why I don't celebrate Christmas is that it's filled with unscriptural tradition. The exchanging of gifts, the Christmas tree, the singing of carols and Santa Claus are all pagan origin. These all crept into the church during or after the Fourth Century.
There are many unscriptural traditions that have cluttered up the story of the birth of our wonderful Saviour. For instance, many people believe that the wise men of East and the shepherds were together in Bethlehem at the time our Lord was born. But nothing could be further from the truth. The shepherds came to Bethlehem to see Jesus at His birth. The wise men came to Nazareth to see Jesus when He was almost two years old (Matthew 2:16).
Furthermore, the Bible says nothing about three wise men, nor does it say that they were kings. The fact is the Bible does not give their number at all but merely states that they were wise men.
Perhaps the worst part of the Christmas celebration is thousands of parents will teach their children the falsehood of Santa Claus. Children are taught that Santa Claus makes his home at the North Pole, and once each year he fills his sled with toys for the boys and girls who have been good throughout the year. If they are good, he brings them toys on Christmas Eve, and if they are bad, he passes them by.
Is it any wonder that many times when children grow up and learn the truth, they question whether Christ is also a myth?
The Bible says in Colossians 3:9, "Lie not one to another,". We are commanded in Ephesians 4:25 to put "away lying," and to "speak every truth with his neighbor."
Now I know that some of you loving mothers are saying, "Don't you think we should give the children a good time? They don't understand all the paganism behind Christmas."
Let me ask you a question, mother. Is it necessary to drag the holy name of our blessed Lord down to the low level of fleshly gratification and drunkenness to show the kiddies a good time? A thousand times, no! Let's teach our children the truth about Christmas. God's Word says that we should bring up children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Why should we dishonor the name of Christ in such a manner under the pretense of showing the children a good time? There are 364 more days in the year during which we can give gifts to our children.
Merrymaking and Exchanging Gifts
Without question, the most important part of Christmas for most people is buying and exchanging gifts. I don't celebrate Christmas because exchanging gifts has nothing to do with Christ's birthday.
Perhaps some of you are asking, "Didn't the wise men give gifts to Jesus?" They certainly did, but they didn't give them to one another. And their gifts were not birthday gifts because the wise men did not come to visit Jesus until He was nearly two years old (Matthew 2:16). The shepherds came to visit Jesus as His birth, but the wise men came to see Him nearly two years later.
Did you know that giving gifts to a king was common custom in the Far East? That's the reason why the wise men brought gifts to Jesus – because He was born to be King of the Jews. But they were not birthday gifts. So there is no connection between Christmas and the birthday of Jesus in this respect.
One final word before leaving the matter of exchanging gifts. Let me point out that even this is a part of Satan's antichrist program. The greatest Christmas celebration yet to come will be during the awful days of the tribulation. During the antichrist's reign all hell will be loose. The two witnesses who God shall send to the people of the earth will be killed when God is finished with them. Can you guess who will kill them? The antichrist will put them to death. Listen to God's Word:
"And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them." Revelation 11:7
It is under antichrist's reign that the last and greatest Christmas celebration shall take place. As a result of the death of these prophets of God, the world will be so delighted and thrilled that they will exchange gifts with one another. Here is what the Bible says,
"And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in the graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth." Revelation 11:9-10
What further proof do we need that Christmas celebration is not of God? Truly the Lord's people should not celebrate Christmas. It is anti-God, anti-Christ, Satanic, and unscriptural. The call of God is, "Come out from among them, and be ye separate...and touch not the unclean thing." II Corinthians 6:17. God's command to all His people is, "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Ephesians 5:11
Christmas Condemned by the Puritans
The pagan history of Christmas has been well known throughout history. In fact, at one time the celebration of this pagan custom was forbidden by law in England. In 1644, Parliament declared Christmas to be unlawful; and, consequently, it was abolished. The English Puritans looked upon the celebration of Christmas as the work of Satan
At one time in early American history, the observance of Christmas was illegal. A law was adopted in the general court of Massachusetts about 1650, which required that those who celebrated Christmas were to be punished. The statue read, "Whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas, or in any other way...shall be subject to fine of 5 shillings." The law's preamble explained its purpose was "for preventing disorders...(by) observing such festivals as were superstitiously kept in other countries to the great dishonor of God and the offense of others." After the Mayflower pilgrims landed in 1620, the first December 25th was spent in labor and cutting down trees "in order to avoid any frivolity on the day sometimes called Christmas."
Opposition to the observance of Christmas continued just past the second half of the Nineteenth Century. An article in the December 26, 1855 edition of the New York Daily Times stated,
"The churches of the Presbyterians, Baptists and Methodists were not open on December 25 except where some mission schools had a celebration. They do not accept the day as a holy one, but the Episcopalian, Catholic and German churches were all open. Inside they were decked with evergreens."
The Puritans knew the truth about Christmas and regarded it as a pagan holiday. It would be good if all believers followed their example.
What About the Christmas Tree?
Another reason why I don't observe Christmas is because the Christmas tree is condemned by the Bible. Notice: "Learn not the way of the heathen...For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it may not move. But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities." Jeremiah 10:2-4, 9
Here you have a perfect description of the Christmas tree, called by God "the way of the heathen." We are commanded not to learn that way or follow it! The Christmas tree is also viewed in this passage as idolatry. The fifth verse says that these tress cannot speak-cannot walk-must be carried. Some people misread this to make it say that there is no harm in having a Christmas tree, but that is not what it says at all. Rather, the Prophet Jeremiah tells us that it is vanity and foolishness and says, "Learn not the way of the heathen."
Some people will be up all night to work on an old dead tree. They'll trim it all up and stand off a little ways and admire their handiwork. Then many of them will sit up all night and look at that old Christmas tree.
I hope some of you preachers will get up in the middle of the night and throw out that old tree out of your house and out of your church right at Satan's head. I realize that some of you will just gnash your teeth and call me "narrow minded." Well, you can call me anything you want, but I'm just giving you the Word of God.
Did you know that the green tree is mentioned 14 times in the Bible, and in every instance it is likened with idolatry? There isn't one place in the Bible where God commends the use of the "green tree" in connection with true worship.
Perhaps you're wondering why people have a Christmas tree during the Christmas celebration. You can search the Bible through and through, but you won't find a reason for it there. The first decorating of any evergreen tree began with the heathen Greeks and their worship of their god Adonis, who allegedly was brought back to life by the serpent Aesculapius after having been slain. And each Christmas multitudes of people will secure an evergreen tree and dress it up with bright glitter, lights and tinsel, not realizing that they are following the tradition of a pagan festival in honor of a false god!
No doubt there are many sincere Christians who think that they are honoring Christ by having their Christmas tree when, in reality, they are dishonoring Him by having anything to do with a heathen festival that God hates.
As you read these lines perhaps you say, "I have my Christmas tree but I don't worship it, and consequently, I see nothing wrong with it." Let me remind you, however, that you don't determine what is right and what is wrong. God determines what's right and wrong. If the Christmas tree is not an idol to you, why are you so reluctant to give it up? What are you doing down on your knees when you place your gifts under it?
Observing Days Forbidden
Finally I don't celebrate Christmas because God's Word forbids the observance of any holy days in this dispensation of grace. Listen:
"Ye observe days, and month, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain." Galations 4:10-11
This tells us that the observance of days is a sign of weakness, childishness and lack of development. There are no special holy days for members of the body of Christ. The Lord wants us to worship Him the same 365 days a year.
We're not worshiping a dead Christ or a helpless infant lying in a manger, but we're worshiping a real living Christ who lives all year round.
Sometimes well-meaning people will make the statement, "Let's put the Christ back into Christmas." This sounds very good on the surface...but beloved, how can you put Christ back into something when He was never there?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the famous English preacher of the last century, said,
"We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas...we find no scriptural word whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Saviour; and consequently, it's observance is a superstition, because (it's) not of divine authority...probably the fact is that the 'holy days' (were) arranged to fit in with the heathen absurd to think we could do it in the spirit of the world, with a Jack Frost clown, a deceptive worldly Santa Claus, and a mixed program of sacred truth with fun, deception, and faction."
While the world celebrates Christmas with its gift swapping and wild parties, what should be our attitude? God's Word makes it plain that we should have nothing to do with this pagan holiday. Let's not associate the birth of the holy Son of God with the pagan traditions of men. Let us heed God's command; "Be ye separate, O my people." II Corinthians 6:17
Daughter of the King, wife, mama, earthy, simple, hopeful, creative, hippy-country girl!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
This is a post from my other blog from last christmas. Read this first.
I wanted to share what we believe about Christmas and what we plan to teach our children. Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of Jesus birth and how he came to this earth to save us all right? That’s a good thing to celebrate and for those that do so as unto the Lord that’s great. But we believe as Christians we are supposed to celebrate Jesus’ birth every single day of our lives. To acknowledge who He is and what He did for us and in our words and actions show praise and thankfulness to Him every day. Not just once a year. I have also heard that Jesus wasn’t even born in December and that the story of the three wisemen is only half true because they came a long time after he was born. The history is all mixed up and I don’t even really care about little details like that but why should I tell that story to my kids when I know its not correct? I will simply go right to the bible. Christmas isn’t mentioned in the bible. It’s a man-made holiday probably with good intentions but has since gotten out of hand.
I want to look up more info on the history of Christmas and how the Christmas tree was started and candy canes and all that stuff. That kind of stuff has nothing to do with Jesus and he couldn’t care less about stuff like that. There is nothing wrong with them don’t get me wrong but I just wonder why we all do what we do? So many of us just do things because our parents did it or its what everyone else did. Well I want to know why and have an answer for my kids when they ask why we do what we do.
As for Santa, we are not telling our kids about the north pole, the naughty/nice list, or coming down the chimney and making them believe in something only to find out its not real. A friend made a good point and said she told her kids about St. Nick and how he’s a nice old man who helped children who didn’t have much. I like that. In the future if my kids want to sit on his lap at the mall that’s fine but we’re not promoting it.
So as my husband says “Christmas is all about the presents”. That’s why we as 25 and 27 year olds are still excited about Christmas Day. The food and family and festive traditions are fun too! You may think that is a selfish perspective but think about it. Why do you do what you do? What makes what we do on Christmas a celebration of Jesus birth? Hmmm????
To sum it up, we love Jesus and are so thankful for His birth, resurrection, and salvation and we praise Him for that every day!! We do not believe Santa Clause to be an important or worth while thing to share with our children but will probably tell them the story of St. Nick. We do not celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday but as a fun and beautiful time of year with silly but harmless traditions just like other holidays!!
So. Thats what I had to say last year. This year I sort of feel the same way but I am struggling a little. If Jesus isn't really the reason for the season and neither is Santa then what is the reason????? What the heck am I suposed to tell my kids about this crazy holiday. I feel really different this year. It doesn't really feel like Christmas to me and I am not sure why. I am getting older and Peter and I are not doing gifts for each other which is a bummer but is that what its all about? Uhg I dont know. Im still pondering all this.
And the thing about Santa. He's not all bad I just don't like the whole idea of him seeing you when you are sleeping and naughty and nice, it kind of makes him seem like God. And the fact that parents tell thier kids about him and they believe he is real (well some really believe) and then find out later that he isn't real and thier parents were not telling the truth. Why then should the kids believe them when they tell them about Jesus? ya know?
Anyway. These are some things I have been thinking about as the holiday approaches. I used to love Christmas when I was younger and it is just different now. I am trying to figure out what I want my kids to associate with this holiday. Maybe by next year I will have it all figured out! :)
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to share what we believe about Christmas and what we plan to teach our children. Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of Jesus birth and how he came to this earth to save us all right? That’s a good thing to celebrate and for those that do so as unto the Lord that’s great. But we believe as Christians we are supposed to celebrate Jesus’ birth every single day of our lives. To acknowledge who He is and what He did for us and in our words and actions show praise and thankfulness to Him every day. Not just once a year. I have also heard that Jesus wasn’t even born in December and that the story of the three wisemen is only half true because they came a long time after he was born. The history is all mixed up and I don’t even really care about little details like that but why should I tell that story to my kids when I know its not correct? I will simply go right to the bible. Christmas isn’t mentioned in the bible. It’s a man-made holiday probably with good intentions but has since gotten out of hand.
I want to look up more info on the history of Christmas and how the Christmas tree was started and candy canes and all that stuff. That kind of stuff has nothing to do with Jesus and he couldn’t care less about stuff like that. There is nothing wrong with them don’t get me wrong but I just wonder why we all do what we do? So many of us just do things because our parents did it or its what everyone else did. Well I want to know why and have an answer for my kids when they ask why we do what we do.
As for Santa, we are not telling our kids about the north pole, the naughty/nice list, or coming down the chimney and making them believe in something only to find out its not real. A friend made a good point and said she told her kids about St. Nick and how he’s a nice old man who helped children who didn’t have much. I like that. In the future if my kids want to sit on his lap at the mall that’s fine but we’re not promoting it.
So as my husband says “Christmas is all about the presents”. That’s why we as 25 and 27 year olds are still excited about Christmas Day. The food and family and festive traditions are fun too! You may think that is a selfish perspective but think about it. Why do you do what you do? What makes what we do on Christmas a celebration of Jesus birth? Hmmm????
To sum it up, we love Jesus and are so thankful for His birth, resurrection, and salvation and we praise Him for that every day!! We do not believe Santa Clause to be an important or worth while thing to share with our children but will probably tell them the story of St. Nick. We do not celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday but as a fun and beautiful time of year with silly but harmless traditions just like other holidays!!
So. Thats what I had to say last year. This year I sort of feel the same way but I am struggling a little. If Jesus isn't really the reason for the season and neither is Santa then what is the reason????? What the heck am I suposed to tell my kids about this crazy holiday. I feel really different this year. It doesn't really feel like Christmas to me and I am not sure why. I am getting older and Peter and I are not doing gifts for each other which is a bummer but is that what its all about? Uhg I dont know. Im still pondering all this.
And the thing about Santa. He's not all bad I just don't like the whole idea of him seeing you when you are sleeping and naughty and nice, it kind of makes him seem like God. And the fact that parents tell thier kids about him and they believe he is real (well some really believe) and then find out later that he isn't real and thier parents were not telling the truth. Why then should the kids believe them when they tell them about Jesus? ya know?
Anyway. These are some things I have been thinking about as the holiday approaches. I used to love Christmas when I was younger and it is just different now. I am trying to figure out what I want my kids to associate with this holiday. Maybe by next year I will have it all figured out! :)
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Tandem Nursing
The other day I decided I was going to write a post about my tandem nursing experience and how its going. That same day I found this post on a blog that I read regularly and I felt like she took the words right out of my mouth. So read that blog first then come back to mine. :).......
I feel the exact same way. Breastfeeding is a beautiful and amazing thing and I couldn't imagine not breastfeeding my babes. When I first had Nonah I did not know how long I was going to nurse but I knew it was going to be for atleast a year and the thought of nursing her when she could talk kind of freaked me out. Then the time came to have Evey and I just couldnt imagine stopping, yet. Nonah nursed all through my pregnancy even though it was pretty uncomfortable for me. She only did it 2 maybe 3 times a day and sometimes less. We had gradually made the transition to daddy putting her down for bed so she didn't need nursing in order to fall asleep. Yay. Nursing laying down was the worst during my pregnancy.
When Evey was born and I was birthing my placenta my tandem nursing began. Evey had latched on and I offered it to Nonah and we akwardly got into position. It took some time but we got it down now. Nonah sits on my lap and Evey sits on Nonahs lap. It works pretty good. Nonah holds Eveys hands and we have a little cuddle fest. Evey is almost 6 weeks old now and Nonah is nursing atleast 3 times a day, sometimes more. She would nurse 10 times a day if I would let her. It is hard feeling the difference in their latch and once my milk lets down and stops flowing as much Nonahs latch really gets um irritating. I am setting limits for Nonah because I have to but I also want her to get that comfort and attention from me so I will try to nurse them seperatly but sometimes when Im home by myself thats just not possible. The worst is in the morning. Shes been waking up early and comes in my bed (which is fine) but then she wants to nurse and Im not awake yet and I dont like nursing laying down and if I say No she freaks out and it starts off our morning pretty yucky. So Im going to have to figure out how to start our mornings peacefully.
At this point I do not forsee Noni loosing interest in nursing any time soon. I have no idea how long I will nurse her and I like that. Thats what child led weaning is all about not having a plan. :)
I feel the exact same way. Breastfeeding is a beautiful and amazing thing and I couldn't imagine not breastfeeding my babes. When I first had Nonah I did not know how long I was going to nurse but I knew it was going to be for atleast a year and the thought of nursing her when she could talk kind of freaked me out. Then the time came to have Evey and I just couldnt imagine stopping, yet. Nonah nursed all through my pregnancy even though it was pretty uncomfortable for me. She only did it 2 maybe 3 times a day and sometimes less. We had gradually made the transition to daddy putting her down for bed so she didn't need nursing in order to fall asleep. Yay. Nursing laying down was the worst during my pregnancy.
When Evey was born and I was birthing my placenta my tandem nursing began. Evey had latched on and I offered it to Nonah and we akwardly got into position. It took some time but we got it down now. Nonah sits on my lap and Evey sits on Nonahs lap. It works pretty good. Nonah holds Eveys hands and we have a little cuddle fest. Evey is almost 6 weeks old now and Nonah is nursing atleast 3 times a day, sometimes more. She would nurse 10 times a day if I would let her. It is hard feeling the difference in their latch and once my milk lets down and stops flowing as much Nonahs latch really gets um irritating. I am setting limits for Nonah because I have to but I also want her to get that comfort and attention from me so I will try to nurse them seperatly but sometimes when Im home by myself thats just not possible. The worst is in the morning. Shes been waking up early and comes in my bed (which is fine) but then she wants to nurse and Im not awake yet and I dont like nursing laying down and if I say No she freaks out and it starts off our morning pretty yucky. So Im going to have to figure out how to start our mornings peacefully.
At this point I do not forsee Noni loosing interest in nursing any time soon. I have no idea how long I will nurse her and I like that. Thats what child led weaning is all about not having a plan. :)
Friday, December 2, 2011
we found a church
Yup we did. We had been looking around at many local churches after our house church ended and we weren't having much luck. We actually got really discouraged and took a break from church for the summer. It was hard going back to church after attending a house church for 5 years. We kept comparing each church to the house church which really isn't a valid comparison. Church today is nothing like what our house church was. I'm not saying our house church was perfect and I'm not here to preach about church and what it should be, I'm just saying they are different.
Anyway. I don't know what it was that made us go (well God I guess) but we decided in September to go check out Morning Star, an Assembly of God church. It truly was an answer to prayer because until then Peter did not want to go anywhere. The timing was perfect. We enjoyed the service and although it is missing the freedom we desire it has been good for us. Even though it is a mega church we have been noticed as newbys and have already connected with people. We have attended a small group and I go to the moms group when I can.
Noni was going in the nursery and loving it but since baby Evey has come she hasn't wanted to go in, so we will see what happens there. I don't know how long we will be there but for now it is good!! God is good!
Anyway. I don't know what it was that made us go (well God I guess) but we decided in September to go check out Morning Star, an Assembly of God church. It truly was an answer to prayer because until then Peter did not want to go anywhere. The timing was perfect. We enjoyed the service and although it is missing the freedom we desire it has been good for us. Even though it is a mega church we have been noticed as newbys and have already connected with people. We have attended a small group and I go to the moms group when I can.
Noni was going in the nursery and loving it but since baby Evey has come she hasn't wanted to go in, so we will see what happens there. I don't know how long we will be there but for now it is good!! God is good!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Mama needs a break!!
So I just need to vent here a little. I am tired. I need a break from mommying. I feel horrible saying that but I just need a break. A little one. I just need some time where I can think clear thoughts and process them. Where I can not be touced by anyone and have peace and quiet. Pretty much every day I need a little break even though I don't always get it.
Parenting is really tough. And being a stay at home mom is even tougher. You mamas reading this are probably shaking your heads in agreement or tearing up or just sighing. It really is the hardest job I have ever had. And the best. I love being a mom I really do but it is so challenging. It brings out things in me that I don't like. It makes me realize how selfish I am and pushes me to be a better person. Knowing that I am shaping who these little beings will become is really stressing me out these days. I know they are in Gods hands and I give them to Him every day but it still is a bit overwhelming. Some days I want to give up and other days I feel strong and able.
Thats why I take breaks. I take some time to my self and get refreshed. Sometimes that means writing a blog post, or having a glass of wine in peace and quiet, or taking a bath, or going to a coffee shop but it pretty much ALWAYS involves praying. I could not do this job with out my source of strength and peace. My saviour, my friend, my everything. Daddy God. I call on Him to fill me up with His love everyday and help me to be the mom he wants me to be. I couldn't do it without Him.
I am so blessed to have two beautiful girls and a wonderful husband but sometimes MAMA NEEDS A BREAK!!!
Parenting is really tough. And being a stay at home mom is even tougher. You mamas reading this are probably shaking your heads in agreement or tearing up or just sighing. It really is the hardest job I have ever had. And the best. I love being a mom I really do but it is so challenging. It brings out things in me that I don't like. It makes me realize how selfish I am and pushes me to be a better person. Knowing that I am shaping who these little beings will become is really stressing me out these days. I know they are in Gods hands and I give them to Him every day but it still is a bit overwhelming. Some days I want to give up and other days I feel strong and able.
Thats why I take breaks. I take some time to my self and get refreshed. Sometimes that means writing a blog post, or having a glass of wine in peace and quiet, or taking a bath, or going to a coffee shop but it pretty much ALWAYS involves praying. I could not do this job with out my source of strength and peace. My saviour, my friend, my everything. Daddy God. I call on Him to fill me up with His love everyday and help me to be the mom he wants me to be. I couldn't do it without Him.
I am so blessed to have two beautiful girls and a wonderful husband but sometimes MAMA NEEDS A BREAK!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Operation Christmas Child
Im sure you all have heard of Operation Christmas Child and know what it is but if not it is an organization that sends boxes of gifts to needy kids in all different countries. Pretty much every church is collecting them right now. When our church announced that they were doing it I thought it would be a fun thing to do with Noni. You can chhoose what gender and what age group you want to do, so we chose a girl 2-4yrs old. (how appropriate)
But how do you explain it to a 2 year old? So this is what I said, "there is a girl far far away whose mommy can't buy her presents for christmas and she doesn't have the things that we have. So we have to pick stuff out and send it to her for christmas, and we need to pray for her." She really enjoyed picking stuff out and helped wrap it all up. She keeps talking about presents for the girl.
This is something Peter used to do as a kid and I think it will probably become a tradition in our house too.
If you want to find more info go here.
But how do you explain it to a 2 year old? So this is what I said, "there is a girl far far away whose mommy can't buy her presents for christmas and she doesn't have the things that we have. So we have to pick stuff out and send it to her for christmas, and we need to pray for her." She really enjoyed picking stuff out and helped wrap it all up. She keeps talking about presents for the girl.
This is something Peter used to do as a kid and I think it will probably become a tradition in our house too.
If you want to find more info go here.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Evey Magnolia's Birth Story
My due date was October 24th and I felt a few contractions that night at 9pm but then they went away. I went to bed and woke up at 3am Tuesday morning with more contractions. They started coming every 10 min and lasting about 25-30 seconds. At 5:30am when Peter got up for work they were still coming. We weren’t sure if Peter should go to work or not but decided he would go and keep his phone with him and I would keep him posted if things progressed. Before he left we quickly set up the aqua doula so it would be ready to go. I laid on the couch for the next few hours until Noni woke up and the contractions were still pretty consistent. I had talked to my midwife Kate at this point and she said to do as much of my daily activity as I can but to rest, eat and drink well. I did some laundry but playing with Noni was really hard to do when all I wanted to do was sleep. My friend Brooke offered to come play with her so I could nap so at about 10:30 she came and picked Noni up and took her to her house for lunch. I slept the whole time they were gone. She brought Noni back around 2:30 for her nap and I rested some more. All day the contractions kept coming but some were 15 min apart some even 30 min apart, but they kept coming. When Peter got home we ate dinner and went for a walk and rested.
We thought maybe Tuesday night would be the night and that things would progress pretty quickly. BUT I woke up Wednesday morning and there was no baby. I guess I slept pretty good because I really don’t remember much from Tuesday night. Peter stayed home with me on Wednesday which was good. He hung out with Noni and served me while I rested. We went to the library (I stayed in the car) and went for many many walks throughout the day and I watched the movie “While you were sleeping.”(missing the parts during my contractions.) The contractions were still random at this point. Then I laid down to take a nap around 1pm and the contractions began to get much stronger and closer together. Peter timed some for me and they were 3-5 min apart and lasting a minute then 25 seconds then a minute. So they were still pretty random. I called Kate and she said to get as much rest as I can and let her know if we start to see a pattern. Kates assistant Jill ended up coming at 4pm to check me because I just wanted to know what was going on and I was 4cm. Yay, I was making progress. When Kate found out I was 4cm she told us to fill the aqua doula so it would be ready, I would could progress pretty quickly. Peter worked on that and we ate dinner and went for another walk. I took a bath and then laid on the couch for the rest of the evening. It was about 8:30pm and I was getting very frustrated and tired. The contractions were sooo strong, I knew something was happening. I asked Peter to call Kate but he was hesitant because there was still no real pattern to my contractions. I had started to feel a little pushy for a few contractions so I really wanted to talk to Kate. He called her and then gave the phone to me after I got through a contraction. I told what I was feeling and she decided it was time for her to come.
So Peter went to put Noni down for bed and I texted my friend/doula Brooke to tell her that Kate was coming and she could come. Her and Jill got here first at about 9:20pm. They started setting things up and Kate got here a few minutes later. She checked me right away and I was 9cm +. YAY, I was ready to go and was so happy! She asked me if I wanted to get in the water or stay in bed and I definitely wanted to get in the water. I got in at about 9:30 and started feeling very pushy. Peter turned on my music and Brooke lit some candles. Kate told me to listen to my body and bare down with each contraction. I got into a more comfortable position on my knees and leaning on the edge of the aqua doula. Peter was rubbing my lower back which felt really good. I wanted Noni to be here when I was pushing so at some point Brooke went and woke her up. She brought her a bag of goodies so they were playing in the other room. I was able to feel my bag of waters before it broke and then with a contraction I felt it break. (That was really cool, b/c with Noni they broke it for me) I was pushing at that point and it was just two or three contractions later I pushed the head out. Jill and Kate had just walked in the room and Kate said “oh head.” Brooke heard me scream and decided to come see what was going on and she walked in just in time. When I pushed the head out I kind of stood up partially and since the head came out of the water I could not go back down in the water. They all were telling me to stand up and I couldn’t so Peter had to grab me and pull me up. So I was standing in the water and with the next contraction I pushed her out. Jill caught her and handed her up to me right away. I stood there holding my baby for a few seconds in complete awe and relief before I looked to see if she was a boy or girl. I announced that she was a girl and Peter announced her name. I then got out and sat on the floor to let the blood pulse through the umbilical cord and birth the placenta. Noni was there and saw the whole thing. She witnessed her baby sister being born and was there to greet her with us. It was amazing and beautiful and I wouldn’t change anything! Evey latched within 10 minutes of being born and nursed great! Oh yea she was born at 10:12pm. She was 8 pounds 3 ounces and perfectly healthy! Praise the Lord!
We thought maybe Tuesday night would be the night and that things would progress pretty quickly. BUT I woke up Wednesday morning and there was no baby. I guess I slept pretty good because I really don’t remember much from Tuesday night. Peter stayed home with me on Wednesday which was good. He hung out with Noni and served me while I rested. We went to the library (I stayed in the car) and went for many many walks throughout the day and I watched the movie “While you were sleeping.”(missing the parts during my contractions.) The contractions were still random at this point. Then I laid down to take a nap around 1pm and the contractions began to get much stronger and closer together. Peter timed some for me and they were 3-5 min apart and lasting a minute then 25 seconds then a minute. So they were still pretty random. I called Kate and she said to get as much rest as I can and let her know if we start to see a pattern. Kates assistant Jill ended up coming at 4pm to check me because I just wanted to know what was going on and I was 4cm. Yay, I was making progress. When Kate found out I was 4cm she told us to fill the aqua doula so it would be ready, I would could progress pretty quickly. Peter worked on that and we ate dinner and went for another walk. I took a bath and then laid on the couch for the rest of the evening. It was about 8:30pm and I was getting very frustrated and tired. The contractions were sooo strong, I knew something was happening. I asked Peter to call Kate but he was hesitant because there was still no real pattern to my contractions. I had started to feel a little pushy for a few contractions so I really wanted to talk to Kate. He called her and then gave the phone to me after I got through a contraction. I told what I was feeling and she decided it was time for her to come.
So Peter went to put Noni down for bed and I texted my friend/doula Brooke to tell her that Kate was coming and she could come. Her and Jill got here first at about 9:20pm. They started setting things up and Kate got here a few minutes later. She checked me right away and I was 9cm +. YAY, I was ready to go and was so happy! She asked me if I wanted to get in the water or stay in bed and I definitely wanted to get in the water. I got in at about 9:30 and started feeling very pushy. Peter turned on my music and Brooke lit some candles. Kate told me to listen to my body and bare down with each contraction. I got into a more comfortable position on my knees and leaning on the edge of the aqua doula. Peter was rubbing my lower back which felt really good. I wanted Noni to be here when I was pushing so at some point Brooke went and woke her up. She brought her a bag of goodies so they were playing in the other room. I was able to feel my bag of waters before it broke and then with a contraction I felt it break. (That was really cool, b/c with Noni they broke it for me) I was pushing at that point and it was just two or three contractions later I pushed the head out. Jill and Kate had just walked in the room and Kate said “oh head.” Brooke heard me scream and decided to come see what was going on and she walked in just in time. When I pushed the head out I kind of stood up partially and since the head came out of the water I could not go back down in the water. They all were telling me to stand up and I couldn’t so Peter had to grab me and pull me up. So I was standing in the water and with the next contraction I pushed her out. Jill caught her and handed her up to me right away. I stood there holding my baby for a few seconds in complete awe and relief before I looked to see if she was a boy or girl. I announced that she was a girl and Peter announced her name. I then got out and sat on the floor to let the blood pulse through the umbilical cord and birth the placenta. Noni was there and saw the whole thing. She witnessed her baby sister being born and was there to greet her with us. It was amazing and beautiful and I wouldn’t change anything! Evey latched within 10 minutes of being born and nursed great! Oh yea she was born at 10:12pm. She was 8 pounds 3 ounces and perfectly healthy! Praise the Lord!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Introducing....Baby Evey!!!!!
Here she is! Our 2nd baby girl! She arrived two days after my due date at 10:12pm. After 42 hours of labor, 6 and 1/2 hours of active labor, and about 5 pushes she was here. She weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 18 and 1/2 inches long and is perfectly healthy!!!
Her big sister is in love and is so gentle with her. I love it!
Heres a few pics from the past week.
Birth Story soon to come!
Her big sister is in love and is so gentle with her. I love it!
Heres a few pics from the past week.
Birth Story soon to come!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Love! LoVe! LOVE!
I love my family pics!! My sis-in-law took some pics for us last weekend and I am so happy with them. (Thanks so much Sar) She took some of me for my first pregnancy also and I just cherish them so much. I will cherish these too as we count down the days of being a family of three. Soon to be family of four. wow!! Im 39 and a half weeks and I honestly feel great. Im ready though! Well enjoy the pics!
Noni was giving us a bit of a hard time but once she actually sat with us Sar snapped away and got a few great pics of the three of us. Yay!
Noni was giving us a bit of a hard time but once she actually sat with us Sar snapped away and got a few great pics of the three of us. Yay!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Trusting Gods Timing
I am 39 weeks pregnant now and I am totally at peace…with everything. I am truly resting in Him and trusting His perfect timing. That is one thing I have learned in the past year or two is that Gods timing really truly is PERFECT!!! We can plan all we want but His plan is the best plan of all. I am truly resting in that. This babe will come when it is supposed to come. That being said, we are ready. A lot has changed in the past 9 months, (an example of Gods perfect timing is giving us those 9 months of preperation) and we are all 3 (me, Petey and Noni) so ready for this fourth member of our family. It is so exciting. At the beginning of the pregnancy I thought a lot about how I am possibly going to handle two kids and how is this or that giong to go, how, how, how, but now I am so excited to handle all the trials and challenges that are to come. I know once I am in the moment I probably will not be sounding so eager to endure the struggle but I will get through.
There will be an adjustment period but I’m looking forward to that and finding a new rhythm that works for us. I know that rhythm will change and evolve over the next year or so but that’s exciting too. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and I CAN handle two babes and all that that implies!!
It is so neat to see Peter get excited about the baby too. He said just last night, “Im ready for a little baby.” He has been so great with Nonah and I can’t wait to see him with this one. We have both gone back and forth with what we want to have a boy or a girl. Peter would be fine if we had all girls (so would I) but I would really like to experience raising a boy and have that mother son relationship. BUT we don’t get to choose and I am so glad because God knows what our family needs. I am just getting soooo anxious to find out and meet our babe. Eeek so excited!!!!
Our excitement is a different excitement than it was with Nonah. Her being our first and all the unknown ahead of us made us ecstatic with excitement and this time we know what is coming and can relax and enjoy the ride a little more. I am talking mostly about the labor but also the newborn stage. I want to really savor and soak it all in because I realize how fast it really goes.
I am also so at peace with my/our decision to have a homebirth with Nonah and now this babe. I am so happy with my midwife and just so grateful to have found her. I really believe it was God who brought us to this house, this area, my job at the time, and the people who influenced me at the beginning of my pregnancy and the series of events that then led me to Rising Moon Midwifery. I am sooo grateful! I love everything about my midwife and her philosophy and how she handles birth. I couldn’t have asked for a better birth experience the first time around. I’m hoping/praying and believing I will be able to say the same things if not even better things about this next birth experience. I feel so prepared mentally and physically for it. I have an amazing husband to be by my side, my beautiful daughter will (hopefully) be with us, my amazing midwife and amazing assistant and my good friend will all be there to make this an amazing birth. Hopefully I will be sharing the story soon!
{I think baby wants to get out now. He/she has been moving like crazy as I sit on the couch typing this post. Back and forth like 10 times and non stop kicks, flutters, etc.. Uy ya yiy!}
pics were taken at 38 weeks.
There will be an adjustment period but I’m looking forward to that and finding a new rhythm that works for us. I know that rhythm will change and evolve over the next year or so but that’s exciting too. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and I CAN handle two babes and all that that implies!!
It is so neat to see Peter get excited about the baby too. He said just last night, “Im ready for a little baby.” He has been so great with Nonah and I can’t wait to see him with this one. We have both gone back and forth with what we want to have a boy or a girl. Peter would be fine if we had all girls (so would I) but I would really like to experience raising a boy and have that mother son relationship. BUT we don’t get to choose and I am so glad because God knows what our family needs. I am just getting soooo anxious to find out and meet our babe. Eeek so excited!!!!
Our excitement is a different excitement than it was with Nonah. Her being our first and all the unknown ahead of us made us ecstatic with excitement and this time we know what is coming and can relax and enjoy the ride a little more. I am talking mostly about the labor but also the newborn stage. I want to really savor and soak it all in because I realize how fast it really goes.
I am also so at peace with my/our decision to have a homebirth with Nonah and now this babe. I am so happy with my midwife and just so grateful to have found her. I really believe it was God who brought us to this house, this area, my job at the time, and the people who influenced me at the beginning of my pregnancy and the series of events that then led me to Rising Moon Midwifery. I am sooo grateful! I love everything about my midwife and her philosophy and how she handles birth. I couldn’t have asked for a better birth experience the first time around. I’m hoping/praying and believing I will be able to say the same things if not even better things about this next birth experience. I feel so prepared mentally and physically for it. I have an amazing husband to be by my side, my beautiful daughter will (hopefully) be with us, my amazing midwife and amazing assistant and my good friend will all be there to make this an amazing birth. Hopefully I will be sharing the story soon!
{I think baby wants to get out now. He/she has been moving like crazy as I sit on the couch typing this post. Back and forth like 10 times and non stop kicks, flutters, etc.. Uy ya yiy!}
pics were taken at 38 weeks.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Conscious Birth Affirmations
I came across this video a while ago and loved it. I plan to watch while in labor for a little encouragement. Pregnancy and Birth is such a beautiful thing!!! Enjoy the video!
Monday, September 12, 2011
sim·pli·fy-make something easier: to make something less complicated or easier to understand.
Yes yes yes. I need easy, less complicated and understandable. I don't know if it is the "pregnancy brain" thing making me all emotional and stressed and on edge or what but uh life is hard right now.
What I really want to do is be by MYSELF for like 24 hours or more. I want to be able to focus on my own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and process everything that's going on in me right now. I want to be able do things alone like shower, eat, shop, write, read and whatever else I want to do...ALL BY MYSELF!! I want to soak up this pregnancy and connect with this little being inside of me and really be able to think about my birth and whats to come. I want to curl up in my husbands arms and stay there for a really long time without being interrupted. I want to feel connected to my husband like I felt when pregnant with Nonah. I also want to feel peace. Peace that lasts and is stagnant. Oh how I want to be secure in myself as a woman and as a mama. (really deep breath) I want...I want...I want...
Woo it feels good to admit all that. I have a lot of wants. And although some of them will never be fulfilled, some will. I am working on simplifying. Not running around as much, not expecting myself to get as much done in a day, and really trying to enjoy the moment. Like instead of sweeping the dirty house, Noni and I went out and laid in the shade looking at the clouds and waiting for daddy to come. It was simple and relaxing and made Noni and daddy happy. I am trying to listen to my heart and while Noni is napping instead of doing meaningless surfing on the Internet, I will read or spend time with the Lord, or just rest. (which I need alot of these days) I am trying to allow myself time to just be and not have to do anything. (I am such a doer)
Anyway. I feel like I am babbling but I just needed to process this here. Only other mamas will understand what I am going through. My heart is heavy, my body is tired and my mind is a blur. I try to find joy in everyday but that is a challenge sometimes.
Yes yes yes. I need easy, less complicated and understandable. I don't know if it is the "pregnancy brain" thing making me all emotional and stressed and on edge or what but uh life is hard right now.
What I really want to do is be by MYSELF for like 24 hours or more. I want to be able to focus on my own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and process everything that's going on in me right now. I want to be able do things alone like shower, eat, shop, write, read and whatever else I want to do...ALL BY MYSELF!! I want to soak up this pregnancy and connect with this little being inside of me and really be able to think about my birth and whats to come. I want to curl up in my husbands arms and stay there for a really long time without being interrupted. I want to feel connected to my husband like I felt when pregnant with Nonah. I also want to feel peace. Peace that lasts and is stagnant. Oh how I want to be secure in myself as a woman and as a mama. (really deep breath) I want...I want...I want...
Woo it feels good to admit all that. I have a lot of wants. And although some of them will never be fulfilled, some will. I am working on simplifying. Not running around as much, not expecting myself to get as much done in a day, and really trying to enjoy the moment. Like instead of sweeping the dirty house, Noni and I went out and laid in the shade looking at the clouds and waiting for daddy to come. It was simple and relaxing and made Noni and daddy happy. I am trying to listen to my heart and while Noni is napping instead of doing meaningless surfing on the Internet, I will read or spend time with the Lord, or just rest. (which I need alot of these days) I am trying to allow myself time to just be and not have to do anything. (I am such a doer)
Anyway. I feel like I am babbling but I just needed to process this here. Only other mamas will understand what I am going through. My heart is heavy, my body is tired and my mind is a blur. I try to find joy in everyday but that is a challenge sometimes.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
My belly pics!
These were taken a few weeks ago so I am a little bigger now. I'm hoping to do some more soon. The photo session ended with Noni wanting to nurse, also a cute pic. I'm now 33 weeks and counting!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Noni's 2!
I just cant believe how time flies, how fast babies turn in to toddlers and so on, and how quickly kids grow and learn and change and become their own little person.
I am so amazed and proud of my Noni girl. Every single day I feel more blessed because I have her in my life.
Check out her birthday celebration on my other blog.
I am so amazed and proud of my Noni girl. Every single day I feel more blessed because I have her in my life.
Check out her birthday celebration on my other blog.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Still SAVORING the Moments
Peter and I both are really trying to just soak up these last few months we have as just the three of us. The time is flying by and we know our life is going to be totally different soon so we are really getting in our one on one time with our Noni girl. (Daddy daughter date on saturday:))
Shes so FUN!
Shes so FUN!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
*a little update*
Summer is so fun!! I love summer! We are enjoying our sunny days thats for sure. The heat can be a bit much BUT for some reason I just love it. I will take these HOT days over bitter cold winter any day. I love the sweat, the barefeet or flip-flops, gardening, sitting by the pool for hours, going for walks on our road every evening, the beach, camping, all kinds of summer activities that are just not possible in the cold months. Uh I love summer!
That being said. I am looking forward to fall. Which is also a beautiful time of year in its own way. Having something so amazing to look forward to will help me say good bye to summer a bit easier. I am 27 weeks pregnant and due in October. It is so neat how there has been a shift in my spirit and I am beginning to feel really ready for this baby. Before I was kind of freaked and worried about how the HECK Im going to do this (which I still get freaked every now and then) but Im just feeling so ready. There is a new and fresh excitement.
This pregnancy has been quite different then my first. I am not gaining near as much weight as I did with Noni. There are many reasons for that I think. I am active of course, still nursing, had lots of queeziness in the beginning and still just have no appetite. I guess it is because of the heat, I am usually a big eater. But at my last midwife appointment my measurements were a little too low, so I am doing my best to eat good high calorie food but its hard. I have had lots of cramps and aches this time around which is normal with the second time around. Babies heart rate is sort of on the higher range which is common for little girls. I am not really having much of a gut feeling as to the sex of the baby but I really would love to expereince raising a boy but 2 girls would be so fun. That is why I am glad its not up to me.
Since day one we have been talking to Noni about the baby in Mommys belly. I dont know how much she really understands but she knows where the baby is. I love seeing her hug the baby and kiss it. (aka my belly) She now does it randomly on her own. I am so excited to see her with the new little one. She has turned into such a little mommy. She nurses her babies, feeds them, wraps them in blankets, gives them naps, all kinds of stuff.
I am still nursing Noni (@ 23 months) and I talk to her about how she will have to share boobies with the baby. She seems ok with it for now. I wasn't sure at the beginning if I was going to tandem nurse or not and what I have decided is that I don't have to decide. I am open to it and ok with it if Noni wants to. At this point it is looking like she will still be nursing when the baby comes, but alot can happen in 3 months. I am going to be working on getting her to not need to nurse inorder to fall asleep which is really the only time she nurses these days and if we stop that then she might wean herself. Or she might want it more during the day if shes not getting it for sleep. I don't know. We will see. I am trusting my instincts and trusting her. I think it would be absolutly amazing to nurse my two babes at the same time. ABSOLUTLY AMAZING! Looking forward to seeing how it will go.
Noni is getting so big. So grown up. She is turning into her own little person thats for sure. Miss personality. I love it and some times hate it. Shes a very busy girl and can't really play on her own yet so she is constantly saying "mommy come here." She is pretty much saying everything although sometimes its hard to understand. It takes a few times of her repeating for us to figure it out. She says mini sentences and will repeat everything. So we have to be careful and we have started spelling things. Just the other day in the store she asked me "why" twice. So I guess we will be heading into the why phase pretty soon here. My favorites are: "thank you mommy" "what you doin here" and well theres lots more. She amazes Peter and I every day with the things she says.
Ah. I guess thats it. Peace!
That being said. I am looking forward to fall. Which is also a beautiful time of year in its own way. Having something so amazing to look forward to will help me say good bye to summer a bit easier. I am 27 weeks pregnant and due in October. It is so neat how there has been a shift in my spirit and I am beginning to feel really ready for this baby. Before I was kind of freaked and worried about how the HECK Im going to do this (which I still get freaked every now and then) but Im just feeling so ready. There is a new and fresh excitement.
This pregnancy has been quite different then my first. I am not gaining near as much weight as I did with Noni. There are many reasons for that I think. I am active of course, still nursing, had lots of queeziness in the beginning and still just have no appetite. I guess it is because of the heat, I am usually a big eater. But at my last midwife appointment my measurements were a little too low, so I am doing my best to eat good high calorie food but its hard. I have had lots of cramps and aches this time around which is normal with the second time around. Babies heart rate is sort of on the higher range which is common for little girls. I am not really having much of a gut feeling as to the sex of the baby but I really would love to expereince raising a boy but 2 girls would be so fun. That is why I am glad its not up to me.
Since day one we have been talking to Noni about the baby in Mommys belly. I dont know how much she really understands but she knows where the baby is. I love seeing her hug the baby and kiss it. (aka my belly) She now does it randomly on her own. I am so excited to see her with the new little one. She has turned into such a little mommy. She nurses her babies, feeds them, wraps them in blankets, gives them naps, all kinds of stuff.
I am still nursing Noni (@ 23 months) and I talk to her about how she will have to share boobies with the baby. She seems ok with it for now. I wasn't sure at the beginning if I was going to tandem nurse or not and what I have decided is that I don't have to decide. I am open to it and ok with it if Noni wants to. At this point it is looking like she will still be nursing when the baby comes, but alot can happen in 3 months. I am going to be working on getting her to not need to nurse inorder to fall asleep which is really the only time she nurses these days and if we stop that then she might wean herself. Or she might want it more during the day if shes not getting it for sleep. I don't know. We will see. I am trusting my instincts and trusting her. I think it would be absolutly amazing to nurse my two babes at the same time. ABSOLUTLY AMAZING! Looking forward to seeing how it will go.
Noni is getting so big. So grown up. She is turning into her own little person thats for sure. Miss personality. I love it and some times hate it. Shes a very busy girl and can't really play on her own yet so she is constantly saying "mommy come here." She is pretty much saying everything although sometimes its hard to understand. It takes a few times of her repeating for us to figure it out. She says mini sentences and will repeat everything. So we have to be careful and we have started spelling things. Just the other day in the store she asked me "why" twice. So I guess we will be heading into the why phase pretty soon here. My favorites are: "thank you mommy" "what you doin here" and well theres lots more. She amazes Peter and I every day with the things she says.
Ah. I guess thats it. Peace!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Not feeling too up for writing these days. Don't have the time mostly then when I do I am just not real motivated or inspired to write. We are thoroughly enjoying our summer and beggining to really anticipate the new arrival. About 3 months to go!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Luv this Funky tree
Oh how I would love to drink this beautiful glass of wine right now
Luv Luv luv the beach. I want to live in walking distance to the beach some day!
My pretty sun hat that I can't wear anymore because it doesn't fit over my dreads. :)
Life IS Good
Luv this Funky tree
Oh how I would love to drink this beautiful glass of wine right now
Luv Luv luv the beach. I want to live in walking distance to the beach some day!
My pretty sun hat that I can't wear anymore because it doesn't fit over my dreads. :)
Life IS Good
Friday, July 8, 2011
Savoring the moments
I am 23 weeks pregnant now and the time is just flying by. I am over half way, i can't even believe it. I have been struggleing lately dealing with my 22 month old and all the side effects of being pregnant and being sick for two weeks straight that I haven't done much thinking. And this week it just hit me. I only have 4 more months left before another member is added to our family. That means no more just mommy and Noni everyday its going to be mommy, Noni and baby. It has become so much more of a reality to me this week and although I am so excited part of me is a little sad. Life as we know is going to be totally changed...again. And although I don't worry about it I do wonder how Noni is going to do. We can only prepare her so much and her little world is going to be so different too.
I know it will be fine, we'll all adjust, and make it work. It's going to be so fun and so challenging all at once. But for now I am savoring the moments I have with my Noni-girl just me and her!!
I know it will be fine, we'll all adjust, and make it work. It's going to be so fun and so challenging all at once. But for now I am savoring the moments I have with my Noni-girl just me and her!!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Ahhhh. There is nothing like sitting in our new beautiful sunroom or I mean living room with all the windows open on a cool summer morning drinking my coffee. I love summer and the heat but I do like when it cools off at night and is a little cooler in the morning. Our summer has been pretty good so far. We are staying busy, having fun and creating lots of memories. On top of that we are dealing with a very strong willed almost 2 year old who wants to be independent yet needs her mama 90% of the time or look out. I am 23 weeks pregnant and doing well but still dealing with being tired most of the time, hormonal outbursts/meltdowns whatever ya want to call them, and trying to find a healthy balance of me time, me and Petey time, and family time. With all that there isn’t too much time to blog, which I miss.
Blogging is good for me. It helps me process, deal, and heal. So I have missed it. I want to make time to write. It helps feed the creative side of me that only gets fed here and there these days due to lack of time, energy and concentration. Anyway.
Im just thinking about this past week and how it was really really challenging. Noni had a fever off and on in the beginning of the week and then we both started with a cold. Stuffy nose, soar throat and deep raspy coughing. And as we all know sick kids are NO fun. They are not themselves, they are whiney, cranky, extra sensitive, extra picky, extra tired but usually can’t sleep, and well just over all very hard to deal with. There is only so much you can do to help them and then you have to just let it pass, wait it out and be grumpy with them. Sigh. (well u don’t have to be but that’s usually what happens for me) So that was our week. Challenging, tiring, and pretty cranky. But with Gods help we are finding joy in the midst of our weekend. (still sick but getting better) We are resting and playing and finding peace in HIM. God is so good and comforts me every day. He is why I can do this mama job. He is the only way I get through these crazy hectic days with any sanity or peace.
Im challenging myself this week to stay close to Him. To not let the distractions and many frustrations get me down and loose focus of the bigger picture of L-I-F-E!! I challenge you to do the same!
Blogging is good for me. It helps me process, deal, and heal. So I have missed it. I want to make time to write. It helps feed the creative side of me that only gets fed here and there these days due to lack of time, energy and concentration. Anyway.
Im just thinking about this past week and how it was really really challenging. Noni had a fever off and on in the beginning of the week and then we both started with a cold. Stuffy nose, soar throat and deep raspy coughing. And as we all know sick kids are NO fun. They are not themselves, they are whiney, cranky, extra sensitive, extra picky, extra tired but usually can’t sleep, and well just over all very hard to deal with. There is only so much you can do to help them and then you have to just let it pass, wait it out and be grumpy with them. Sigh. (well u don’t have to be but that’s usually what happens for me) So that was our week. Challenging, tiring, and pretty cranky. But with Gods help we are finding joy in the midst of our weekend. (still sick but getting better) We are resting and playing and finding peace in HIM. God is so good and comforts me every day. He is why I can do this mama job. He is the only way I get through these crazy hectic days with any sanity or peace.
Im challenging myself this week to stay close to Him. To not let the distractions and many frustrations get me down and loose focus of the bigger picture of L-I-F-E!! I challenge you to do the same!
Friday, June 24, 2011
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