Its been 2 months since I got these bad boys done and let me tell you it has been interesting. I totally love them most of the time but every now and then I want to just chop them off. Not all of them just certain ones. Ones that aren’t cooperating and aren’t felting up properly. You see the back of my head is really curly and has taken to the dreads really well. But the sides of my head the hair is smoother and just wavey so those dreads are not doing so well. They are frizzy and stick out and I hate them. I also don’t like the proportion of some of them. That is why I never wear them down any more when I go out. I always put a scarf in and put it back. I’m trying to be patient and trust that time will do them good and they will only get better. So there will be no chopping yet.
It is interesting not being able to “fix” my hair like most people do where you can put it exactly how you want it. With dreads they have a mind of their own and every morning you never know what you will find. There will be new loops and bumps all the time and there is nothing you can do about it. So that has been challenging and freeing. I just have to let go of my vanity that day and deal with it.
I am dealing with some dandruff issues as well which Im not going to get into because you probably are grossed out already but with or without dreads I have dandruff. It’s just a little harder to deal with when you have dreads. But I use my oils and Im surviving.
All that being said my dreadies are doing well and I really do love them.
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