Friday, July 30, 2010


Becoming a mama has totally changed me. Well of course it has right? But it didn’t only change my life and what I do and don’t do. It has changed me. I feel like it has brought out some creativity in me that I knew I had but ignored and becoming a mama has helped me find myself. I have been able to find my own answers for things instead of just following what the norm is. It all started with deciding what kind of birth I wanted to have. Exploring my options and deciding for myself. Yes I talked it all over with Peter but he said I was the one doing the birthing so it was up to me. I love that trust and support he had in me. He knew I could do it.
So in deciding to have a natural homebirth I had a lot of explaining to do to my friends and family. It has helped me grow and mature into the mama that I am. Trusting my instincts and listening to my self and my baby instead of a book or others advice. Birthing and now parenting in this way has totally changed me. It has brought me a new confidence in myself and my abilities. Its still a continuing process and I do have days where I felt totally helpless but I listen to my heart and remind myself of what Ive been through and who it has made me become. I love being a mama, everything about it.

I have so much more to say on the topic of mamahood and how its changed my life but thats it for now!!

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