Friday, April 29, 2011

Attachment Parenting

Some people don't like labels and putting themselves under a certain title because....well I'm not exactly sure why. They don't want a certain stigma that comes with it or maybe they just don't want to feel confined to what the title entails. I don't know but I AM an Attachment Parent. I heard about this stlye of parenting at the end of my pregnancy and it just clicked. It felt so right for me, like the way parenting should be. "The Baby Book" by Dr. William and Martha Sears is what got me through the first few months of my Nonis life. Noni is now 20 months old and I still refer to many of the Sears books for support, suggestions and just reassurance. I loose my confidence every now and then. I haven't had to fully explain attachment parenting to my family yet but I'm thinking with the discipline days soon ahead, if not already here, it will probably come up soon. We aren't neccessarily not going to spank but it will not be our first option. (thats a topic for another post)

So anyways. I love attachment parenting and feel like God knew I needed this style of parenting, with all the support, resources, and now like minded mamas that I have found, inorder to get through this journey. I do believe this is how God would parent if he was a daddy, oh wait he is a daddy. (Haha also another post.)

Check out this article on the API Blog, I really like how she explained AP.

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