Tuesday, May 10, 2016

~Celebrating Motherhood~

I know Mothers day is just another day.
Just another halmark holiday. Right?!
BUT for me this day is a sweet, precious,
and joyful, my-heart-is-so-full kind 
of day! 
I love to reminisce and look back at my journey
of becoming a mama.
My pregnancies.
The excitement, the unknown, the preparing
 and anticipation of what 
was coming,  
  And yes the birth. 
I have such fond memories of laboring
at home and sharing such special
moments with my hubby 
while bring our babies into the world.
Yes it was hard and painful, of course but 
it was SO amazing. 
Then the best part of all, the moment
when we get to meet our baby... 
it's just bliss.
That first hour after they are born 
when we get to know them and look at them 
for the first time ever,
Oh I will never forget those moments. 
This is the moment I became a mama!!
Thank you Nonah Mae!

And then again to Evey Magnolia!

And again to Opal Rayne!

These beautiful girls have fulfilled my dream of becoming a mother!
I am so blessed by them!
I love watching them grow up and
turn in to their own person.
My daily prayer is to truly live in the moment and
savor my days with them
because I know they are limited.
I have already seen how fast time
flies by.
There are days that I feel worn out and
if somebody says "mama" one
more time I am going to freak out
but that's part of it.
I love it. The good, bad and the ugly.
I love it!!
Being a mother/mama is a wonderful gift! 
 My girls know me so well! 
When daddy asked what we should 
do for mom they 
all said go to "STARBUCKS."
So we did, and went to 
a local bakery that sells gluten free
And we also went to get some 
daisys but came home
with a hanging fern for my 
bedroom instead
which has been on my list of 
things to get for a long time. 
So mama is happy!

P.S. We may be adding to our nest sooner rather then later!! 
We are legally foster parents!
Training and homestudy are done and approved! 
Just waiting for a match now! Yay!
Can't wait to see
where this adventure 
takes us!

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