Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Birthday Girl

There is nothing like making my Big Girl feel special! Shes is 4!! Wow wow WOW! She has done so so much growing up and changing in the past 4 years and she is now her own little person with her own likes and dislikes. Her own opinions and preferences. I love her spunk and how she is so much like her daddy! She still amazes us every day!

We celebrated her Birthday for 5 days straight. She got to pick her Birthday dinner (spaghetti) and bubble gum for dessert. She decided, after I gave her some options, that she wanted to have a Rainbow Birthday party. (I love including her in the decisions. We looked at pinterest for ideas and she helped me pick out decorations to make. it was so fun) So we had a Rainbow party with all her girlfriends and then one with her cousins. We had a big celebration at my parents house and we called her the birthday girl for 5 days. We prayed a special birthday blessing on her a few times and she got lots of presents. I think she knows she loved!! Here are some picks from our celebrations!

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