Thursday, January 3, 2013

My resolution.

I decided I wasn't going to do the whole resolution thing this year. With 2 almost 3 babes to take care of and entertain, a hubby and a house to take care of I have a lot of things to "DO" so adding any more specific goals to my to do list would just stress me out right now. Plus there is going to be a lot of changes/adjusting in the year ahead so who knows what all of that will hold.

That being said, this morning when I was journaling and talking to God I felt Him say, SMILE! You need to smile more!! Yes it is a very simple thing but for me it is huge. I am not always a smiley, cheery, person and I let things throughout my day bother me and get me frustrated and not happy. And although I don't thing God wants me to change who I am completely a little smile is only going to brighten my day. I need to let "things" go quicker and not let them bring me down. And I need to *smile.* :)

A little side note... when we were in Toronto at the School of Ministry we had a speaker who talked to us for an entire session about smiling and how it releases endorphins and by smiling there is something going on chemically inside of your body and it really can be powerful. Our homework was to smile for at least one minute straight. Go ahead try it...

SO instead of looking ahead and making a big plan for my year I am going to take each day as it comes and give it my best effort. And I am going to *SMILE* more!

If I was going to set some parenting resolutions I would have to say diddo to all of this mama's resolutions. They are some good ones.

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