Monday, June 23, 2014

21 things...

21 things I love about Summer! Summer is my favorite season! And since the 21st of June makes it officially Summer I started thinking about why I love Summer so much. So here goes 21 things I love about summer.
1. Sunshine- Soo much sunshine!
2. Flip-flops and/or barefoot 
3. Painted toes-that can actually be seen instead of stuffed in socks n shoes!
4. Sun tanned skin
5. Windows open-fresh air blowing in is so wonderful!
6. Morning coffee on my patio
7. Blanket picnics-any where any time
8. Green grass/leaves-everything is green and vibrant and thriving!
9. Grilled food-mmmm!
10. Farm stand/farmers markets in every town!
11. Pick your own...
12. The BEACH-one of my favorite places in the world!
13. Running-we prefer running in the heat, and have more time to do it.
14. Backyard BBQs with friends and family!
15. Flowers! Pretty flowers every where!  They make me happy!
16. Water play! Sprinkler, pool, a bucket, kids love water and entertains them for hours!
17. Gardening! I'm no pro but I do find joy in growing my own little garden!
18. Tank top n shorts! It's so much easier to get dressed in the summer then layering up in winter!
19. Fireworks-there's no fireworks in the Winter?!
20. The smell of fresh cut grass!
21. Hanging wash out on the wash line! Laundry is my favorite part of housework! Its therapeutic!
Birdies chirping, blue sky, oh did I mention sunshine?
So there you have it, 21 reasons and I could keep going! So Happy Summer everyone!

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