Monday, January 8, 2018

That's a wrap!

2018? What? 
Happy New Year everyone!
A new Year! 
New memories to make. 
New to do lists, new goals, 
new dreams, and so many
new things to learn. 
I don't always do a new years resolution,
but sometimes I do. I'm not against them 
like some people are.
I think starting fresh and new and 
making a plan to do some 
things differently or better is 
a good thing.
To purposefully make better
choices in order to better 
yourself is good even if 
it only lasts a few weeks. Right?
I find myself this New Year feeling very 
Not sure what for specifically. 
My heart is very hopeful!
The definition of hopeful is feeling or 
inspiring optimism about a future event.
That's what I'm feeling but I don't know 
what the event is.
I know the adoption of baby J is
a huge event but I don't feel like 
that is it. Maybe it is. 
Once it is official it is going to be 
like a door closing. 
A dream we had and has been 
So then what? 
I don't know what God has for us this year 
but we are dreaming that's for sure!
We are open to whatever 
He has for us!

A recap of 2017....

We celebrated 12 years of marriage!
New tatt, got chicks, n lots of festive girls! :)

Give me the beach!!!

Daddy and his beach babes!!

The girls did dance for the first time!

Oppy turned 4!

Noni turned 8! What???

Baby J turned 2!

Evey turned 6!!

Daddy had lots of special dates with his girls!

I fell in love with my 4th little girl!
Family photo sess!

Mama got FIT this year! 

Embracing the Winter!! 

Cuties in their Lula Roo's!!

Always flipping and cartwheeling and sometimes mama joins in!

My kiddos luv snapchat!

We had lots of fun!!!

That's a wrap!!